Domino’s Pizza Toppings List – Get the Best Combo!

Domino’s Pizza Toppings mix
original pizza
Basil bowl for pizza

Domino’s Pizza is one of the most popular pizza chains in the world, and for good reason. They offer a wide variety of toppings to choose from, so you can create the perfect dish for your taste.

But with so many options to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s where this blog post comes in.

I’m going to give you a comprehensive guide to Domino’s pizza toppings, including the best combos to try. So whether you’re a dish lover or a newbie, this post has something for you.

Domino's Pizza Toppings Combos


Before we get into the toppings, let’s talk about the basics. Domino’s offers four different crusts: thin crust, pan pizza, hand-tossed, and Brooklyn style.

The hand-tossed crust is the classic choice at Domino’s. It’s made to be flavorful and crispy. This crust style has been around for a long time and is a good pick if you want something traditional.

The thin crust is lighter than the others. It also has an extra crunch to it. This crust will be less filling so you can eat more pizza!

The pan crust is on the thicker side with a softer inside. It’s not as crunchy but might feel cozier in your stomach.

The Brooklyn-style crust is special because it uses both wheat and white flour. This makes it chewier than the rest. The blend of flours gives it a unique texture.

Different types of flour can significantly influence the character and taste of a pizza crust, offering various textures and nuances to the overall dining experience.

Domino’s offers three sauce options too. The traditional sauce is their original recipe. It’s nicely balanced between flavors.

The garlic parmesan sauce packs more of a punch. It’s richer and really lets that garlic shine through.

The BBQ sauce has a sweet and smoky taste from the barbecue flavors in it.

Now, Let’s Check Them All

Let’s check out some popular toppings and what they bring to the party.

  • Pepperoni is a classic. Spicy and meaty, it explodes with flavor in every bite.
  • Sausage makes it hearty with juicy robust meatiness.
  • Mushrooms satisfy vegetarians with an earthy taste that boosts flavor.
  • Onions have layers – sweet and spicy together, creating contrast.
  • Green peppers add crunch and a slightly bitter bite that’s refreshing.
  • Black olives lend a unique salty-briny note from the Mediterranean.
  • Pineapple is controversial but its sweetness against savory can be awesome.
  • Ham comes tender, salty, and smoky, perfect with cheese.
  • Bacon means crispy smoky heaven for meat lovers.
  • Chicken keeps it light but packed with taste.
  • Spinach isn’t just healthy, its mild earthiness is gourmet.
  • Feta cheese switches it up from mozzarella with tang and cream.

Check out All Combinations

Domino’s Pizza Toppings cheese

Combining toppings right can take your pizza to the next level. Here are some combos worth a try:

  • Pepperoni and sausage – A meat lover’s dream come true with rich, indulgent flavors.
  • Pepperoni and mushrooms – The spicy pepperoni balances the earthy mushrooms for an umami-packed taste.
  • Sausage and onions – Their robust and pungent-sweet flavors blend for something tantalizing.
  • Mushrooms and onions – Vegetarian heaven where the fresh flavors mesh seamlessly.
  • Pepperoni and pineapple – Take a chance on this unconventional spicy-sweet pair, it can surprise you.
  • Ham and bacon – Salty and smoky overload promises a robust taste.
  • Chicken and spinach – A light yet satisfying mix that keeps it healthy but full of flavor.
  • Feta cheese and spinach – A simple Mediterranean style.

These are just starting points. Domino’s lets you be creative – discover new combos that make your taste buds happy. The world of pizza is yours to enjoy, so put your cooking skills to the test!

Final Words

Don’t be afraid to mix things up when picking toppings. That’s how you find new favorites. Pizza is about more than just eating – it’s an experience. Domino’s wants you to have an awesome time with each bite!

They offer classics and also let your creativity shine through. Put together combos both standard and unusual. Each pizza will be perfect for your taste.